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30 Phishing Email Examples to Avoid in 2024

The rising threat of phishing emails in 2024 is a major issue. Despite increased awareness, approximately 44% of individuals continue to trust emails from recognizable brands. In 2023, cybercriminals took advantage of this, distributing more than 40 million fake emails appearing to be from Microsoft. To assist our readers in remaining secure, we have compiled a list of 30 typical phishing email examples to be cautious of in 2024.

30 Phishing Email Examples to Avoid in 2024

Learning the real-world 30 phishing email examples is important to protect your business in 2024. Since the threat of phishing emails continues escalating, posing significant risks to individuals and organizations in 2024. Despite increased awareness, we still need to catch up with the latest phishing samples.

A recent study revealed that 44% of people still consider an email safe if it comes from a well-known brand. In 2023, cybercriminals exploited this trust, launching over 40 million scam emails under the guise of Microsoft's trusted brand.

The sophistication of these phishing attempts is alarming, as they often employ social engineering tactics that do not discriminate, targeting individuals across all demographics and professions.

Explore 30 phishing Email Examples

To help you stay one step ahead of phishing attacks, we've compiled a comprehensive list of 30 real phishing email examples you might encounter in 2024.

The fake invoice scam examples

The fake invoice scam or fake invoice email phishing is a common and cunning form of real phishing email examples that targets individuals and businesses. In 2024, where transactions and communications are predominantly online, the risk of encountering such scams has significantly increased. Understanding the mechanics of this scam is important for recognizing and avoiding it.

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Picture 1. Example of Fake Invoice Phishing Email

How fake invoice scams work

Fake invoice scams trick you with emails that look like they're from companies you trust, asking for urgent payments. These emails might have dangerous attachments or links to fake payment sites to steal your information or install malware. They play on familiarity and urgency, sometimes even following up to seem more believable. Both individuals and businesses can be targets.

To stay safe, double-check any unexpected invoice by contacting the company directly and avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments. Always take security awareness training about phishing threats and keep your devices protected with the latest security measures.

Tax refund scam email examples

Tax refund phishing emails or tax refund scam emails cleverly designed to appear as if they're from legitimate tax authorities can be particularly convincing and damaging.

Tax season often brings a surge in phishing scams, particularly those involving tax refunds. These scams, cleverly designed to appear as if they're from legitimate tax authorities, can be particularly convincing and damaging. Understanding the mechanics of a tax refund phishing email is crucial for recognizing and avoiding this type of cyber fraud.

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Picture 2. Example of a tax refund phishing email

How tax refund phishing emails work

Tax refund phishing emails are one of the most common spam emails that used by attackers in 2024. They trick you by looking like they're from real tax authorities, complete with official logos and language, offering a tempting tax refund. They ask for personal details like your social security number and bank info, claiming it's needed to process your refund.

These most common spam emails pressure you with a fake deadline to rush you into sharing your information and may include links to fake websites where you're asked to enter your details. Sometimes, they even follow up to convince you further. These scams prey on the stress and confusion of tax season, adjusting their tactics based on where you live to seem more believable.

To stay safe againts most common spam emails, remember that real tax agencies don't email you for personal or financial information. If you get a surprise tax refund email, don't click any links or share info. Instead, reach out to the tax authority directly using their official contact details. Being cautious and informed is key to avoiding these sophisticated scams.

Bank account verification phishing email examples

Online banking has become a norm, phishing scams targeting bank account verification have alarmingly risen. These are one of the most common spam emails that cleverly masquerade as urgent messages from your bank, tricking you into compromising your sensitive banking details. Understanding how these scams operate is essential to safeguard your financial information and maintain online security.

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Picture 3. Bank account verification phishing email example

How bank account verification phishing email work

Bank account verification phishing emails look eerily like they're from your bank, using official logos and language to seem legitimate. They create a panic by claiming there's suspicious activity on your account or that verification is urgently needed. You're tricked into clicking a link to a fake website that mirrors your bank's login page. Once there, if you enter your details, scammers get direct access to your account. They might even ask for extra security info like PINs or security questions. To make their scam more convincing, they may follow up with calls or texts pretending to be customer service.

These scams prey on your trust in your bank and the fear of losing money, pushing you to act hastily. Scammers adapt their methods, sometimes threatening account closure or offering rewards for compliance. Always verify such communications directly with your bank and never enter your details on suspicious websites.

Package delivery failure phishing email examples

Another example of phishing email is phishing scams that involving package delivery failures. They also have become most common spam emails in 2024. These scams cleverly play on the anticipation and anxiety associated with online orders, tricking recipients into clicking malicious links under the guise of resolving delivery issues. Understanding the nuances of this scam is crucial in protecting yourself from potential cyber threats.

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Picture 4. Package Delivery Failure Phishing Email

How package delivery failure phishing emails work

Package delivery failure phishing emails pretend to be from reputable courier services, complete with official-looking branding and language, claiming a delivery to your address failed. This example of phishing email manufacture urgency, saying immediate action is needed to reschedule delivery or avoid the package being returned.

Often, these emails have phishing links or attachments, supposedly for rescheduling, but actually lead to phishing sites or download malware. Some scams may even ask for a small payment to "reschedule" the delivery, aiming to steal financial details. With the increase in online shopping, many fall for this, expecting packages. Scammers also use texts or calls to widen their net.

To stay safe, be skeptical of unexpected delivery failure notices, particularly if you're not awaiting a package.

Account suspension alert phishing email examples

Account suspension alert is another example of phishing email. These common phishing scams have emerged as a new threat. These scams prey on the fear of losing access to beloved services, manipulating users into hastily divulging sensitive payment information. Understanding the intricacies of these scams is crucial in safeguarding your digital life and personal data.

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Picture 5. Account suspension alert phishing email

How account suspension alert phishing scams work

Account suspension alert phishing scams cleverly mimic emails from popular streaming services, using their logos and style to seem real. This example of phishing email falsely claim your account faces suspension due to payment issues, urging immediate action to fix it.

The email directs you to a link that looks like the service's login page but is actually a phishing site designed to steal your details, including credit card and login information. These sites are impressively crafted, closely resembling the genuine service's page, which makes them hard to spot.

These examples of phishing emails plays on the fear of losing access to your favorite shows, making you more likely to respond hastily. Remember, these scams can also reach you through texts or notifications, not just emails. Protect yourself by directly accessing your streaming service through its official site or app for any account updates, rather than clicking on links in emails.

Charity donation phishing email examples

Charity donation fraud is a particularly insidious type of scam that preys on the goodwill of people, especially in times of need, such as after natural disasters or during holiday seasons. Scammers create fake charity campaigns to exploit your generosity, pocketing donations for needy people.

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Picture 6. Charity donation phishing email example

How charity donation phishing emails work

Charity donation phishing emails prey on your generosity, especially after tragic events or during the holidays, when you're more likely to give. Scammers create fake charities or mimic real ones, sending emails with convincing logos and emotional pleas for urgent help. This example of phishing email asks for donations through direct transfers or money services, which are hard to trace, unlike legitimate charities that typically offer secure, traceable payment options.

Some emails may direct you to phishing sites designed to steal your personal and financial details under the guise of making a donation. These scams can also spread via social media, making them seem more legitimate.

To stay safe againts these examples of phishing emails, always check a charity's authenticity through reputable verification sites and donate directly on official charity websites. Be cautious of unexpected donation requests and avoid clicking on links or attachments from unknown senders.

CEO fraud phishing email examples

CEO Fraud, also known as "Business Email Compromise," involves scammers posing as high-level executives to trick employees into transferring funds or sensitive information. This scam exploits the authority of company leaders and the urgency often associated with their requests.

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Picture 7. CEO fraud on business email compromise (BEC) phishing emails

How CEO Fraud phishing email work

CEO fraud phishing emails involve scammers impersonating top executives to deceive employees, usually in finance, into making urgent fund transfers. These fraudsters craft emails that closely resemble those from legitimate sources, complete with urgent requests for money transfers, often accompanied by fake invoices or documents to seem authentic.

This example of phishing email emphasizes secrecy, dissuading employees from seeking verification through normal channels, and may apply heavy pressure by highlighting the transfer’s supposed importance to business operations.

To guard against CEO fraud spam email example, always double-check transfer requests, using direct communication with the supposed requester. Implement strict verification processes for financial transactions and foster a workplace culture that prioritizes security and encourages questioning suspicious requests.

Travel reward phishing email examples

Travel Reward phishing scams lure victims with the promise of free airline tickets or dream vacations, only to steal credit card details and personal information.

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Picture 8. Travel reward phishing email example

How travel reward hoax scams work

Travel reward hoax scams lure you with incredible offers like free flights or luxurious trips at no cost, preying on your love for travel. To claim these too-good-to-be-true rewards, you're asked for personal and credit card information under the guise of verifying your identity or covering minor fees.

The catch is the links in these offers lead to sophisticated phishing sites designed to steal your details. Falling for one of these scams can lead to more fraud or your information being sold to other scammers. This spam email example exploits the reputable names of well-known travel agencies or airlines to seem legitimate.

To keep your travel dreams safe, approach such unsolicited offers with skepticism. Always verify directly through the official channels of the purported company before sharing any personal information or making payments.

Fake job offer phishing email examples

Phony or fake job offer scams are increasingly prevalent, especially in an era where remote work and high-paying job opportunities are highly sought after. This spam email example lures job seekers with the promise of lucrative employment, only to defraud them of their personal information and sometimes money.

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Picture 9: Fake job offer phishing email example

How fake job offer phishing emails work

Fake job offer phishing emails begin with enticing, unexpected job proposals that promise high pay for minimal effort, often not requiring specific skills or experience. The scam involves a so-called employer asking for your personal details, such as your name, address, social security number, and sometimes bank information, allegedly for the job application or contract signing.

Some scams go further, demanding money for training or equipment necessary for the job. These examples of phishing emails may even conduct fake interviews through email or chat and direct you to fake websites that look like those of legitimate businesses. These phishing scams examples exploit the pressure and eagerness of job seekers, particularly during economic downturns.

To guard against these phishing scams examples, be skeptical of any job offer that comes out of the blue, especially if it sounds too good to be true. Verify the legitimacy of the company and the job posting through official sources, and never provide personal information or money during the job application process.

Fake social media notification phishing email examples

Fake Social Media Notification scams exploit the ubiquity of social media, tricking users into compromising their account security.

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Picture 10: Fake social media notification phishing email example

How Fake Social Media Notification Scams Work

Fake social media notification scams trick you with emails or messages that look like they're from social media sites, warning of account issues or new activities. These examples of phishing emails press you to act quickly with threats of account suspension, leading you to phishing sites via links in the message. Once there, if you enter your login details, scammers can take over your accounts, access your information, and spread the scam. These phishing scams examples work because this spam email example uses the trust you have in your social media platforms against you.

To stay safe, treat emails or messages with caution, especially if they urge immediate action. Always check your account directly through the official app or website, not through these links, and enable two-factor authentication to protect your account further.

Romance scam phishing email examples

Romance Scam Emails play on emotional manipulation, luring individuals with the prospect of romantic or intimate connections, only to lead to financial exploitation.

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Picture 11. Romance scam phishing emails

How romance scam emails work

Romance scams start with fake profiles on dating sites or social media, using nice photos and stories to make you believe they're real. The scammer spends time talking to you, making you trust and like them. Then, they pretend to have big problems, like needing money for an emergency, and ask for your help. These examples of phishing emails keep asking for more money with more stories after you send it once. These phishing scams examples take advantage of people wanting love and friendship.

To keep safe, be careful with people you meet online who move too fast or ask for money. Always check if someone is real through video chats or other ways before getting too close or sending money.

Government grant phishing email examples

Government grant scams are a form of fraud where scammers deceive victims by claiming they are eligible for a government grant. These phishing scams examples are particularly insidious as this spam email example exploits the trust people have in government institutions and the allure of receiving financial support.

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Picture 12. Government Grant Scams Phishing Emails Examples

How government grant scams work

Government grant scams start with a surprise email or message saying you can get a government grant. This might be for school, your business, or personal reasons. The email looks real, with official logos and words, and might send you to fake websites. This spam email example tells you to pay a small fee to get the grant money. These examples of phishing emails also ask for your personal info like your name, bank details, or social security number to "process" the grant. The message will say you need to act fast and keep it a secret, which makes it harder to figure out it's a scam. These types of phishing emails play on the hope of getting easy money, especially if you really need it.

Real government grants don't make you pay to get them. Always check out a grant offer on official government sites or talk directly to government offices. Be careful with any unexpected offers that ask for money or your personal details upfront.

Lottery win phishing email examples

Lottery Win Scams lure victims with the false promise of a significant lottery or sweepstakes win, only to defraud them under the guise of claiming the prize.

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Picture 13. Lotter win phishing email sample

How lottery win scams work

Lottery win scams trick you with a surprise email saying you've won a lot of money in a lottery or contest you don't remember entering. These phishing scams examples ask you to pay a "small" fee for taxes or costs to get your prize. This spam email example might show you fake papers or checks to make it look real. They also ask for your personal and bank details to "confirm" your identity or send your prize. But even after you pay, they keep asking for more money, but you never get the winnings. These types of phishing emails use your hope of getting rich quickly to trick you.

To stay safe, be wary of unexpected win notices that ask for fees or your details. Real lotteries don't make winners pay to get their prize. Always check if a contest is real before you respond, and never give your personal or payment info to claim a prize from something you don't know is real.

Exclusive software upgrade phishing email examples

You receive an email that seems to be from a well-known software company, offering an to upgrade to the latest version of their software for free to use the software efficiently.

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Picture 14: Exclusive software upgrade phishing email example

How Exclusive software upgrade phishing scams work

Exclusive software upgrade phishing scams kick off with an unexpected email that looks like it's from a well-known software company. It offers a special chance to get the newest software version for free or at a much lower price. The phishing email looks real, with the company's logo and the kind of language they use, making it seem legit. These phishing scams examples press you to act fast because the offer is "limited" or just for a few people. But the link in the email doesn't take you to the real company's site; it goes to a fake one that looks just like it.

This phishing site asks for your login details, personal info, or software key, pretending to need them to start the upgrade or check who you are. Sometimes, it even tries to get you to download a file, saying it's the upgrade, but it's actually harmful software that can mess up your device. After they have your info, the scammers might try even trickier scams on you.

Real updates usually come through the software itself or from the company's official ways of getting in touch, not random emails. Always check directly with the company or on their real website if you get offers like these types of phishing emails.

Phishing survey email examples

Phishing quizzes represent a more subtle and interactive form of online scamming. These quizzes seem harmless and fun but are designed to stealthily gather personal information, which can be used for identity theft or other fraudulent activities.

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Picture 15. Phishing survey example

How phishing surveys work

Phishing surveys catch your attention with fun quizzes on social media or via email, promising insights into your personality or future. As you answer, the questions get more personal, asking for details like your pet's name or where you grew up—things often used as security answers. Some may ask you to link your social media, giving scammers access to lots of your info. This gathered data can help them guess your passwords or send you targeted scam emails.

These surveys are made to be shared, spreading the scam to your friends and grabbing even more data. Be careful with online surveys, especially those prying for personal info. Don't link them to your social media and think twice before sharing details that could compromise your online safety.

Tech support phishing email examples

Tech support scams are a growing concern in 2024. These scams typically involve alerts about non-existent viruses or other issues on your computer, followed by offers to fix these problems. The goal is to deceive you into downloading malicious software or paying for unnecessary tech support services.

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Picture 16. Tech support phishing scam email example

How tech support scams work

Tech support scams often start with a scary pop-up or email claiming your computer has a virus or a big problem. These phishing scams examples use fear to make you think you must act fast to avoid things like losing all your files. The scam offers help by asking you to download a software or call a support number. If you do, you might download harmful software that steals your info or damages your computer, or if you call, they might try to get remote access to your computer.

Real phishing email examples also might ask for money for their "help" or for software you don't need. Always be wary of unexpected tech warnings and offers of help. Real tech support from companies doesn't contact you this way. Keep your antivirus up to date and only use trusted sources if you need help with your computer.

Utility company phishing email examples

Utility company fraud phishing email involves scammers posing as representatives of your utility provider, threatening service discontinuation unless immediate payment is made. These phishing attack examples can be particularly distressing, as they exploit the fear of losing essential services like electricity or water.

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Picture 17. Utility company phishing email sample

How utility company fraud scams work

Utility company fraud scams involve scary emails or calls pretending to be from your utility provider, claiming you owe money and threatening to cut off your service if you don't pay up fast. They try to scare you into acting quickly, asking for payment through methods hard to trace, like prepaid cards or digital money. The contact info they give isn't real—it's just a way to get you talking to them, not your actual utility company. This works on many because they don't know how these companies really handle late payments.

To stay safe againts these real phishing email examples, always check with your utility company yourself using real contact details from their site or your bills. Know that real companies usually warn you a few times before shutting off anything and won't make you pay in a rush over the phone or by email.

Expired subscription phishing email examples

Expired subscription scams operate by sending notices about renewing a subscription service that you never signed up for. These phishing attack examples can be confusing and alarming, as they often create a sense of urgency about losing access to a supposedly essential service.

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Picture 18. Expired subscription phishing emails

How expired subscription scams work

Expired subscription scams start with an email or message out of the blue, telling you a subscription is about to run out or already has. They push you to act fast to keep your service, making it sound like you'll lose access or data if you don't. Then, they ask for your payment info to renew, but really, they just want to take your money. Often, it's for something you don't even remember signing up for, which makes it all more confusing. They might even send you to phishing websites where if you enter your details, you could end up with stolen identity or money problems.

To keep safe yourself againts these real phishing email examples, always double-check surprise renewal emails. Get in touch with the service yourself using their official contact info to see if it's real. And never give out payment details or click on links in emails that come out of nowhere.

False warranty claims phishing email examples

False warranty phishing emails involve messages asking for personal information or payment to extend a warranty on a product. These phishing attack examples prey on the common desire to avoid future expenses and protect investments.

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Picture 19: False warranty claims phishing email example

How false warranty claims scams work

False warranty claim scams begin when you're contacted unexpectedly, being told the warranty on something you own, like a car or gadget, is almost up. The person contacting you might ask for personal or payment info to renew this warranty. They use pressure, saying you need to act fast to avoid future trouble or costs, making you think you have to decide right away. Often, they're vague about what product they're talking about, or it doesn't even match what you actually have. Sometimes, they trick you into paying for a warranty extension that you don't need or that doesn't exist at all.

To keep yourself safe from these phishing attack examples, it's good to know when your warranties really end and to question anyone contacting you out of the blue about them. Always check directly with the maker or seller of your product if you get one of these offers. And don't give out your personal or bank details if you weren't expecting to have this conversation.

Investment scheme phishing email examples

Investment scheme scams lure victims with the promise of high returns for a seemingly lucrative investment opportunity, often requiring an upfront fee or personal financial information.

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Picture 20: Investment scheme phishing email example

How investment scheme scams work

Investment scheme scams lure you with the promise of big returns or quick money if you invest in a certain product or venture. They ask for money upfront, claiming it's for fees or costs. The scammers will show you very professional documents and websites, and they'll push you to make a quick decision. But when you look closer, there's no real proof or details about the investment, and they don't like it when you ask too many questions.

Be careful with surprise investment chances. Do your homework and maybe talk to a financial expert before you jump in. Watch out for deals that ask for money first, and always double-check everything yourself. If an investment offer seems way too good, it's probably not real.

Credit card reward phishing email examples

Credit card reward scams are a cunning ploy where scammers send emails offering fake rewards or points supposedly for your credit card usage. These phishing attack examples play on the appeal of getting something extra for your spending, but their real aim is to steal your financial information or personal details.

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Picture 21: Credit card reward phishing email example

How credit card reward scams work

Credit card reward scams send you emails that make it sound like you've just hit the jackpot with points, cash back, or other bonuses for using your card. They make it seem urgent that you claim these rewards fast or you'll miss out. The catch is the email includes a link to a fake site that looks a lot like your real credit card's website, asking for your login or card details to "claim" your rewards. They're banking on the fact that most folks love getting the most out of their cards and often trust these types of benefits.

To prevent these phishing attack examples, always be wary of out-of-the-blue reward promises. Double-check any offers by getting in touch with your credit card provider using their official contact info, not through email links. Don't put your personal or card details into websites you got to through email links, and keep an eye on your card statements for any signs of fraud.

Fake legal notices phishing email examples

Fake legal notices scams involve emails or messages that threaten legal action unless you click a link or provide confidential information. These phishing attack examples use intimidation and fear to manipulate victims into complying with their demands.

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Picture 22. Fake legal notices phishing email example

How fake legal notices scams work

Fake legal notice scams start with a scary email or message warning you about a lawsuit, unpaid debt, or other legal trouble. They use fear to make you act fast, saying you need to do something right away to avoid fines, court, or arrest. They might ask you to click a link to see more about the legal issue or put in personal info to "confirm" your identity. Some scammers send fake legal papers, like court notices, to make their story seem real. They may even ask for money to fix the legal problem.

To stay safe againts these common email scams, be careful with unexpected legal threats. Check if they're real by talking directly to the authority or company involved, using their official contact details. Don't click on links or open files from emails that seem fishy. Real legal stuff usually comes by mail or in person, not email.

Compromised account phishing email examples

Compromised account scams are a prevalent form of cyber threat where you receive alerts claiming that one of your accounts has been compromised. These phishing attack examples aim to create panic, prompting you to take immediate, often rash, action.

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Picture 23. Compromised account phishing email example

How compromised account scams work

Compromised account scams kick off with an urgent email or message warning that someone has hacked into your account, like your email, bank, or social media. They push you to act fast to "fix" your account, usually by clicking on a link to reset or verify your info. But, the link takes you to a fake site that looks just like the real deal, only it's set up to steal your login details when you try. Sometimes, they even ask for more personal info, pretending they need it to make sure it's really you. These scams tap into your worry about losing access to your accounts or having personal details leaked.

To stay safe againts these common email scams, be super careful with surprise security warnings. Always double-check by getting in touch with the company the right way, using their official contact info, not through the email you got. Don't click on links in dodgy emails. Keep your passwords strong and different for each account, and turn on two-factor authentication whenever you can.

False insurance claims phishing email examples

False insurance claims scams involve emails notifying you of an insurance claim that you never filed. These phishing attack examples seek to extract personal information under the guise of processing an insurance claim.

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Picture 23. False insurance claims phishing email example

How false insurance claims scams work

False insurance claims scams start with an email out of the blue, saying an insurance claim has been made in your name, often about something you know nothing about. They ask for your personal details to "handle" or "check" the claim, wanting info like your social security number or insurance policy info. The email looks real, with official logos and numbers. They might scare you with talk about what could happen if you don't reply, like legal trouble or losing your insurance.

Don't ever give out personal info if you get one of these common email scams. If you get a weird claim notice, talk directly to your insurance company using their real contact details from their website or your policy papers. Be careful with any email that asks for your sensitive info.

Unclaimed property phishing email examples

Unclaimed Property Scams lure victims with messages about unclaimed property or inheritance, often accompanied by a request for a processing fee to release the funds.

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Picture 24: Unclaimed property phishing email example

How unclaimed property scams work

Unclaimed property scams hit you with a message out of nowhere, saying there's property or an inheritance waiting for you, something you didn't even know about. To get it, they tell you there's a fee for legal or admin stuff. They'll also ask for your personal details, supposedly to check you're really you. These messages look really official, with all sorts of seals and legal words to make you think it's legit. They're counting on you being curious or excited about getting something unexpectedly.

Don't just believe it if someone says you have unclaimed stuff or money coming to you, especially if they want money first. Real claims for things like this don't ask you to pay up front. Always check everything out on your own, and don't give out personal info or money based on these kinds of messages.

Fake friend request phishing email examples

Fake friend request scams are increasingly common on social media platforms. These phishing attack examples involve friend requests from fake or hacked accounts, which lead to phishing sites or other forms of fraud when accepted.

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Picture 25: Fake friend request phishing emails

How fake friend request scams work

Fake friend request scams start when you get a friend request on social media from someone you don't recognize, or it looks like it's from a friend, but it's actually a fake account. If you accept, the scammer might send you messages with links to phishing sites, pretending they're sharing something cool or urgent. Clicking on these can lead to malware getting on your device, putting your info at risk. They might also snoop around your profile to steal your personal details for identity theft or other scams. This works because we're more likely to trust and click on things from our friends.

Always be careful with friend requests from people you don't know and double-check with your real friends if something seems off. Keep your privacy settings tight on your social profiles, and question any odd messages or links, even from friends. It's better to check directly with them another way if you're not sure about a message.

Counterfeit product alert phishing email examples

Counterfeit product alert scams involve warnings about counterfeit products that you supposedly purchased. These examples of phishing scams aim to exploit your concern about the authenticity and safety of products you own.

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Picture 26: Counterfeit product alert phishing email example

How counterfeit product alert scams work

Counterfeit product alert scams trick you with emails or messages claiming that something you bought is fake and could be dangerous. They ask for your personal or financial details, saying they need it to confirm your purchase or give you a refund. Often, there's a link to a fake site where entering your info could lead to stolen identity or money. The scammers use scare tactics, stressing the risks of using the counterfeit item to make you act fast.

To prevent these phishing scams, be skeptical of unexpected warnings about counterfeit buys, especially for items you don't remember buying. Always double-check such claims by contacting the seller or company directly through their official contact points. Don't click on links or give out your details in response to these out-of-the-blue alerts.

Emergency scam phishing email examples

Emergency scam emails involve urgent requests for financial help, pretending to be from a friend or family member in trouble. These examples of phishing threats play on your emotions and sense of urgency to help loved ones.

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Picture 27: Emergency scam phishing email example

How emergency scam emails work

Emergency scam emails pretend to be urgent messages from someone you know, like a friend or family member, claiming they're in a tight spot—maybe stuck in another country, arrested, or in the hospital. These common phishing emails urgently ask for money, usually wanting it sent through wire transfers, prepaid cards, or digital money, stressing that you need to act fast and keep it a secret. But these emails are often missing the personal touches a real friend or relative would include.

To stay safe, always double-check these so-called emergency calls for help. Reach out directly to the person supposedly in trouble or their close contacts through phone numbers or methods you know are real. Be wary of any email asking you to send money in odd ways, especially if it also asks you to keep it quiet. Taking a bit of time to make sure things add up can keep you from getting scammed.

Wi-Fi network alert phishing email examples

An email pretending to be from your internet service provider, claiming there's an issue with your home Wi-Fi network. It urges you to click a link to avoid service disruption, leading to a phishing site designed to steal your login credentials.

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Picture 28. Wi-Fi network alert phishing emails

How Wi-Fi network alert scams work

Wi-Fi network alert scams trick you with emails pretending to be from your internet service provider, complete with all the official logos and branding. These common phishing emails claim there's a problem with your Wi-Fi, like technical glitches or security threats, and push you to fix it right away to avoid losing service or facing dangers. The phishing email includes a link for an easy fix or a form to fill out, but it's a trap leading to a fake site designed to steal your login details when you try to "solve" the problem.

Always be careful with unexpected messages about your internet service. Check if it's real by getting in touch with your provider using their true contact info, not what's in the email. Don't click on any links or download things from emails you're unsure about. Keep your Wi-Fi password strong and updated, and make sure your network's security settings are tight to keep out unwanted visitors.

HR policy update phishing email examples

A message that appears to come from your company's HR department, informing you of an urgent policy update. It includes a link to a document that you need to review and acknowledge. The link, however, redirects to a fake login page intended to capture your company login details.

HR policy update phishing email example.png
Picture 29: HR policy update phishing email example

How HR policy update scams work

HR Policy Update Scams look like they're emails from your company's HR, complete with all the signs of being a real internal message. They'll tell you there's a very important and urgent policy change you need to know about right away. There's usually a link saying you can see or confirm you've read this new policy, but it's a trick. The link takes you to a fake login page, not anything to do with HR. If you put in your company login details, the scammers get them instead.

If you get an email like this, it's key to make sure it's really from HR. The best move is to reach out to your HR folks yourself, using the contact info you know is right, to check if the email's legit.

Cryptocurrency investment phishing email examples

An email that mimics a popular cryptocurrency platform, offering an exclusive opportunity to invest in a new digital currency with guaranteed high returns. It asks you to click on a link to make an initial investment, leading to a fraudulent website where your financial and personal information can be stolen.

Cryptocurrency investment phishing email example.png
Picture 30: Cryptocurrency investment phishing email example

How cryptocurrency investment scams work

Cryptocurrency investment scams send you emails that look like they're from a big-name crypto platform, playing into the excitement around digital currency investments. These common phishing emails dangle the chance to get in on a new cryptocurrency, promising big returns fast, to grab your interest. They push you to click a link to either invest right away or find out more. But that link doesn't go to a real crypto site; it goes to a fake one set up to look genuine, all to get your personal and financial info.

These list of email scams are significant to know in 2024 to protect your business againts evolving phishing attacks.

How can you protect yourself from phishing attacks

To avoid phishing attacks in 2024, it is important to know how to recognize phishing emails that can help you spot and protect yourself from these examples of phishing attacks:

  • Beware of Language Traps: A classic hallmark of phishing emails is poor grammar and spelling. These errors might be intentional, targeting those who are less likely to scrutinize the email, or simply a result of the scammer's lack of resources.
  • Deceptive Links: Always be cautious with email links. Scammers often use URLs that look legitimate but lead you astray. Hover over links to reveal their true destinations, or better yet, visit the official site directly by typing the URL into your browser.
  • Generic Greetings: A Warning Sign: Phishing attempts usually lack personalization. If an email opens with a vague greeting like "Dear Customer," it's time to raise your guard.
  • Urgency and Threats: A sense of urgency or a threatening tone is a scammer's tactic to bypass your rational thinking. Be skeptical of emails that push you to act immediately.
  • Mismatched Email Addresses: A classic phishing trick is to use a sender's name that seems familiar but has an email address that doesn't match. Always check the sender's details carefully.
  • Low-Quality Logos: Phishing emails often contain poorly replicated logos. A fuzzy or distorted logo is a telltale sign of a scam.
  • Unexpected Attachments: Approach email attachments with caution, especially if they're unexpected. These could harbor malicious software.
  • Direct Requests for Personal Information: Any email that directly asks for sensitive information, like your financial details, is likely a phishing attempt. Legitimate organizations don't ask for such information via email.
  • Spotting Brand Spoofing: If something feels off, like a slightly altered logo or unusual contact information, it's probably a scam. When in doubt, contact the company directly through official channels.

Staying ahead of these examples of phishing threats means being alert to these signs. Equip yourself with the knowledge of what to look out for in phishing emails, and remember, if an email seems suspicious, always stay alert!

Enhance Cybersecurity Research with Our Comprehensive Collection of Phishing Email Samples

We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and experience with those dedicated to cybersecurity research and eager to delve deeper into phishing threats. We invite students, academic personnel, security professionals, ethical hackers, and fellow security vendors to explore our phishing email sample collection. Your involvement in this endeavor is important for advancing our collective understanding and developing robust defense mechanisms against these phishing threats.

Use-Cases: Leveraging the Phishing Email Samples Across Various Roles

For Students and Academic Personnel

  • Research and Thesis Projects: Utilize the collection for in-depth research or as a basis for thesis projects focusing on contemporary cybersecurity challenges.
  • Practical Learning: Analyze real-world phishing examples to understand attack vectors, thereby enhancing practical learning in cybersecurity courses.

For Security Professionals

  • Threat Analysis and Mitigation Strategies: Study the collection to identify emerging threat patterns and develop effective mitigation strategies.
  • Training and Awareness Programs: Use real phishing examples in training sessions to educate employees about phishing threats and best practices for email security.

For Ethical Hackers

  • Simulated Phishing Attacks: Craft simulated phishing campaigns based on real-life examples for penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.
  • Developing Countermeasures: Experiment with the collection to test and refine phishing detection tools and countermeasures.

For Security Vendors

  • Product Development and Enhancement: Enhance phishing detection algorithms and security solutions by integrating insights from the collection.
  • Market Analysis and Intelligence: Analyze trends and tactics to stay ahead in the cybersecurity market, offering cutting-edge solutions to clients.

For AI and Machine Learning Enthusiasts

  • PhishLLM and AI Development: Utilize the collection to train machine learning models for phishing detection, developing more sophisticated AI-based security tools.
  • Anomaly Detection Research: Employ the dataset to research and develop advanced anomaly detection systems that can identify subtle signs of phishing attacks.

For Social Engineering Experts

  • Behavioral Analysis: Study the psychological tactics used in phishing emails to understand better and combat social engineering techniques.
  • Preventive Education and Training: Develop comprehensive educational programs to train individuals and organizations in recognizing and responding to social engineering attacks.

Valuable Insights from the Phishing Email Collection

As security researchers, this collection offers a wealth of information to understand and combat phishing. Here's what we can learn:

  • Top Email Subjects: Analyze the most common subjects used in phishing emails to understand what topics lure recipients most effectively.
  • Emotional Triggers: Identify the primary emotions targeted by these emails, such as fear, curiosity, urgency, or greed. Understanding these emotional hooks is crucial in recognizing and mitigating phishing attempts.
  • Top Impersonated Brands: Determine which brands are most frequently mimicked in these phishing attempts. This could include financial institutions, tech companies, or other high-profile entities.
  • New Phishing Methods: Uncover and analyze new or evolving phishing techniques that have emerged in recent years. This could include novel approaches in social engineering, technological exploits, or delivery methods.
  • Manipulation Techniques in Email Headers and Bodies: Examine the specific language, formatting, and structural elements in phishing emails designed to manipulate and deceive recipients.
  • URL Analysis: Analyze the URLs included in phishing emails to identify patterns in domain naming, use of legitimate-looking URLs, or URL shortening services.
  • Payload Types: Investigate the type of malicious payloads included in phishing emails, such as malware, ransomware, or links to fraudulent websites.
  • Use of Personalization: Assess how personalization is used in phishing emails to increase their effectiveness. This includes using the recipient's name, organization, or other personalized information.
  • Trends in Target Demographics: Identify if specific types of phishing emails more frequently target certain demographics or user groups.
  • Security Flaws Exploited: Determine what common security vulnerabilities or user behaviors these phishing attacks exploit.
  • Attachment Analysis: Study the types of attachments used in phishing emails, including their formats (like PDF, DOCX, etc.), and the type of malicious content they might carry.
  • Time of Day and Week Patterns: Look for patterns in the timing of these phishing campaigns to understand when attackers are most active or when campaigns are most effective.
  • Geographical Targeting: Assess if the phishing campaigns target recipients in specific locations.
  • Follow-up Tactics: Observe if and how follow-up emails are used to pressure or convince the target after the initial contact.
  • Comparative Analysis with Previous Years: Compare these samples with those from previous years to identify trends and changes in phishing strategies over time.

This phishing email sample collection is a goldmine for understanding the current state of phishing and for developing more effective countermeasures against these evolving cyber threats.

Check out our YouTube demonstration below to discover our latest phishing email examples from our Phishing Simulator product. These scam phishing examples free to use to test and train your employees againts real examples of phishing attacks.



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